Antistress. How to live calmer: Special issue Psychologies

What is stress, what are its reasons, at what levels it affects us and that we can oppose it? We understand our feelings, find ways to make life easier, try to make work meaningful, learn to relax in the afternoon and learn how to make a night sleep deeper and restore.

There are five chapters in this special issue. They consistently reveal different aspects of our relations with stress. Each chapter has explanations of experts and exercises for in -depth work with themselves. Opens the number andNereva with a psychotherapist Anastasia Guest: What is stress in terms of neuropsychology? How to find resources to protect against it? One of the answers is the practice of attentiveness: “Most people do not know where their attention is;They do not understand at all where they are, what is with them, why are they now on Facebook (an extremist organization banned in Russia) have entered or why they are now on the phone. Until we unfold attention, we will not be able to change something “.

Chapter 1. Understand the reasons

We live in constant tension. But there are factors that enhance the influence of stress on us: constant changes that occur in society, excess information and … the obligation to be happy! What seems to us an accurate knowledge of stress is often a myth. Separate scientific data from speculation.

Chapter 2. Accept your emotions

We want to control our lives … but we are not powerful over our own feelings: more often they control us. Instead of spending power on the fight against them, is it not better to learn how to recognize them and accept them? Having ceased to be afraid of them, we will learn to live with them in accordance.

Chapter 3. Easy your life

Our motto is multitasking. But she does not always benefit us. How to avoid exhaustion, how to coordinate the requirements of society with our personal desires and find time for yourself? Which of the mothers is more prone to burnout: those who have several children, those who combine motherhood with a career, or single mother? The psychoanalyst explains how to find out if our relations with loved ones suffer due to our workload and offers exercises that will help to improve them.

Chapter 4. Work meaningfully

Work that brings joy is the ideal to which we strive. But even your favorite business poisons life if we only think about it and do not allow ourselves a minute of peace. That forces us to take too much, sacrificing health and their interests? How to evade the fate of a workaholik? Learning to recognize alarming signals. Three of our heroes-the chef, the athlete and the director of the charitable foundation-have found their own way to withstand daily loads and share their personal experience.

Chapter 5. Rest at night and day

A calm, strong dream is a physiological necessity: thanks to him, we restore our resources. The psychotherapist and sleep disturbances Elena Rasskova explains which moment is best for awakening.

After a difficult day, the dream is reluctant to go to us. Several effective relaxation techniques will facilitate falling asleep. Fatigue can be used! Having accepted it, we will feel when it’s time to stop and relax, then to act with new forces. The story of our French colleague Philip Romon about how he lives with insomnia: “Dream is a pleasure. Which I appreciate the more, the less often it falls to me “.

Also in the room:

5 tests

What stress do you experience?

The physical sphere, the emotional sphere and relations are three levels at which stress manifests itself. These levels are interconnected, but each of us will have the relative significance of one level or another. Determine your type of stress manifestation in order to be able to relax and relieve deep voltage.

What emotions are driving you

Fear, anger or sadness? Find out which of these feelings takes possession of you the easiest way and with what main need it is connected: in safety, in the affirmation of your “I” or in search of meaning.

What complicates your life

Conflicts, trials, difficult choice … How do you react to such situations – go into yourself, keep composure or instantly lose your head? Realizing your reactions, you can set the right distance with your own emotions.

How you protect yourself from stress

Do you manage to take measures to avoid burnout? What alarming signals should you learn to notice? Get to know different ways to cope with overstrain at work.

Are you sleeping enough?

Night vacation largely determines our well -being and mood. And how often you get up “from that leg”? Find out how to create conditions for sweet sleep giving vigor and inspiration for the whole day.


For five senses

Vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste will become your support in practice. Flower, music, pebbles from the sea shore, aromatic wand and chocolate will help to develop attention and internal susceptibility.


Self -control techniques in a tense situation. If emotions are overwhelmed by us, one of the proven ways will help to “neutralize” them and quickly feel better.

New special issue of Psychologies magazine “Antistress: How to Live Calm” on sale since May 12.

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